Delinquent Property Taxes by State

Looking for an investment opportunity? Purchase property tax liens from delinquent taxes. Start your search here!



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Delinquent Tax Records

Delinquent tax records are handled differently by state. Typically, a tax lien is placed on the property by the government when the owner fails to pay the property taxes. If left unpaid the liens are sold at auctions to the public. Eventually, the lien owners may have to force foreclosure on the property to pay the liens. At that point you could take possession of the property. There are risks involved with this investment strategy.

Risks Involved

  • Some properties may not be worth the actual amount paid for the delinquent taxes.
  • There may be other liens on the property that would need to be paid before you could sell the property
  • They property may require extensive repairs 
  • You may have to evict the current occupants



Featured States


In Alabama you can request a price quote for state-held tax delinquent property by submitting an electronic application. Once your price quote is processed it will be emailed to you. 


The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) is required by law to post this information every quarter, removing amounts that are being addressed through payment arrangement, bankruptcy, litigation, or appeal.


NRS 361.0445 requires the Department to post the rates of taxes imposed by various taxing entities and the revenues generated by those taxes. You may find this information in “Property Tax Rates for Nevada Local Governments” commonly called the “Redbook.”