Hawaii Delinquent Property Tax Records

Hawaii Delinquent Property Tax Records


Hawaii, known as the “Aloha State,” has a unique history as a group of volcanic islands located in the Pacific Ocean. The islands were settled by Polynesian explorers around 300-600 AD, and the Hawaiian Kingdom was established in the late 18th century. In 1893, the Kingdom was overthrown by a group of American businessmen, and Hawaii was later annexed by the United States in 1898. Hawaii became a U.S. territory in 1900 and the 50th state in the Union in 1959.

Hawaii has a rich cultural heritage that includes Native Hawaiian traditions, Asian and Pacific Islander influences, and a diverse population. Today, Hawaii is known for its unique culture, natural beauty, tourism, and a high cost of living.


Property ownership in Hawaii is governed by state laws and regulations, which may differ from mainland U.S. states. Land in Hawaii is classified as either kuleana lands (ancestral lands), Hawaiian home lands (reserved for Native Hawaiians), or public lands (managed by the state or federal government). Property ownership may be subject to leasehold or fee-simple ownership, with leasehold properties being more common in Hawaii.


Hawaii is a group of volcanic islands located in the Pacific Ocean, approximately 2,500 miles southwest of the mainland United States. The state consists of eight main islands, including Hawaii (often referred to as the “Big Island”), Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Niihau, and Kahoolawe. Hawaii has a unique and diverse geography, with lush rainforests, pristine beaches, active volcanoes, and a tropical climate.


Hawaii has a state general excise tax (GET) that is levied on the gross income of businesses, as well as a state individual income tax that is progressive and has rates that vary depending on income levels. Property taxes in Hawaii are assessed based on the value of the property and are used to fund local government services, such as schools, roads, and public safety. Hawaii also has a unique “transient accommodations tax” (TAT) that is levied on the gross rental proceeds from transient accommodations, such as hotels and vacation rentals.

Wealth Equality:

Like many other states, Hawaii faces challenges related to wealth inequality. There are disparities in income and wealth distribution, with variations in wages, housing affordability, and access to education and healthcare between different regions and populations within the state. In particular, Native Hawaiians and other indigenous groups in Hawaii have experienced historical injustices, including land dispossession and loss of cultural heritage, which have impacted wealth equality in the state.

Efforts to address wealth inequality in Hawaii include initiatives focused on affordable housing, land preservation, education funding, and cultural preservation programs for Native Hawaiians. The state also has policies related to sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and tourism management aimed at promoting economic growth while protecting Hawaii’s unique natural and cultural resources.

Overall, the history of Hawaii is shaped by its indigenous heritage, geography, and relationship with the United States. Property ownership, taxes, and wealth equality are important aspects of Hawaii’s history and continue to impact the state’s present-day socioeconomic landscape.